Without This, A Shared Economy is A Take Economy

Reposted from Huffington Post

What is really at the heart of a shared economy? I find myself reflecting on this quite a bit after my friend, an advocate of the shared economy movement stayed with me for four days. For me, the visit fell short of being a shared experience and exchange for one clear reason; as shared economy interest becomes shared economy lifestyle clear distinctions need to be communicated in order for both parties to have a favorable experience.   read more »

JC Penney, Your “Tagline” is Inside Out

Reposted from Huffington Post.

When I first heard JCPenney’s new tagline “When it Fits, You Know it,” I was reminded of why I don’t “fit” JCPenney. It is the same reason why I believe they are struggling to be a profitable and relevant brand. read more »

Your Safety Zone or Mine?

A Collaboration Story. (republished from the Huffington Post)

Some of the most inspiring stories in the world are the result of a diverse group of people, companies, governments and non-profits coming together to create solutions for the greater good of nature and people. When time permits, feedback is required, expertise is needed and impact is great…collaboration is the way to go. read more »

Patagonia – Cultural Fuel for Corporate Tanks

When you first arrive to a location, you know something special is about to transpire when all of your senses are engaged on first impression. This is what happened to me on a recent tour of Patagonia’s headquarters. read more »

My New Year’s Resolution: RIP LOL

A couple of days ago I caught myself saying, “LOL,” to a friend in a conversation over lunch. Texting LOL is bad enough but saying it out loud is just ridiculous. LOL is the most overused “conversation cop-out.” You might as well initiate each LOL with, “I can’t be bothered to take the time to communicate with you.” Ha, Ha, Ha, LOL. read more »

Bloggers: General Store Key Holders of the Future

When I was a kid, I made several trips to Crossroads Village; a restored turn of the century town where you could ride an old railroad and visit historic homes and old-town commercial buildings.  My favorite part of the entire town was the general store. I was fascinated by wall to ceiling shelves of merchandise, antique toy souvenirs and 10¢ old-fashioned candy sticks yet there was more to the fascination for me. In the general store I felt connected to a magical and energetic meeting place of the past. I could imagine store clerks greeting town’s people by name as they chatted about the latest merchandise and happening around the town.  At some time or another, everyone from the town would visit the store and because of this, the store clerk would know everyone. Without much effort the store clerk would be responsible for spreading news, event promotion, introducing new members of town, and even match-making. I am willing to bet in the 19th century through mid 20th century towns all over the world, when a store clerk from the general store passed it would a tremendous loss for many.  From memories of warm greetings to an understanding of individual needs, the clerk would be honored for their efforts of social responsibility. read more »

EBOCLOUD: Dare to Imagine Life After Facebook

I purchased the book EBOCLOUD by Rick Moss immediately on recommendation from a friend. There was no way I could resist reading a book with the tagline, “Love Must Evolve” that dares to explore life after Facebook.  If there is such a thing as a fantasy book club, this would be the book I would want to read and discuss with a group of people. In my dream book club I would want a full spectrum of people represented.  Give me political and religious left, right and middle. In this motley crew let there be humor, creativity, compassion, empathy and intellect.  I am certain with this group, we would never run out of things to discuss and we would learn a great deal from each other as the themes of the book inspire us to think and grow. read more »

The Text Factor with Mars and Venus

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus and texting does not help matters at all. read more »

Through the Perspective of New Eyes

Last week I hosted a high school friend and her husband from Michigan on their first trip to California and Los Angeles. Growing up in the Midwest, I know experiencing LA for the first time is a complete culture shock.  It was good for me to see things new again through their eyes. Here is some of what I learned through them: read more »