
We help business communities maintain thriving workforce and customer cultures. Companies with thriving workforce cultures like Patagonia, Chipotle and Google know the importance of cultural planning. Here is how we doing this in our local #DTLA area. 

#DTLA Service Offerings:

1. Local Mobile/GPS Listing Package – Get listed on mobile maps by the categories people are searching for. As we populate maps with more pins, “destination” visitors to downtown Los Angeles will be more likely to explore multiply locations on their visit.

2. Monthly Social Media Service Package – 3 accounts, 3 post a day for 30 days. Building online communities to drive offline activities is essential. We will teach you fundamental social media skills and grow your online presence using proven strategies in your industries.

3. Workforce Cultural Assessment –  Leveraging your workers to create and grow culture in an essential part of the new marketing mix. Upon completing our Workforce Cultural Assessment you will gain:

  • An understanding of culture workforce pains consistent throughout the company and by department and position.
  • An understanding of workplace patterns that are limiting ability to innovate and advance quality of work.
  • An understanding of workplace patterns that are in the way of establishing favorable relationships with customers.
  • A list of opportunity areas for improvement.
  • A suggested correction plan to improve culture with sustainable process that is easy to modify as change is required.

More Info

Contact us for price list and more information.