
How to Be an Influencer: Overcoming Obstacles to Buy-In.

When You Want:

1.    Change & improvements
2.    Your point of view to be considered
3.    Your idea/plan to be implemented

Consider the Following:

1.    Not everybody will see the opportunity, problem, solution the same as you.
2.    Flexibly to see “it” from different points of views and experiences is required.
3.    Sell less, listen more.
4.    Learn to adapt your points to “their” and “our” points.


1.    Research their topic(s)
2.    Listen
3.    Craft articulate messages with both facts and feelings
4.    Get to know their audience
5.    Explore all angles
6.    Stay focused
7.    Explore other points of views and use new information to modify and improve their messages
8.    WIN! – because their interest is not to control but to empower people with information


Tips for Getting Started: The difference between an idea being approved for implementation or discarded forever may only be the difference of one person who would not buy-in.  Ask yourself, “Who” is the obstacle?  Take time to get to know that person by doing the following:

  1. Listen to how they communicate.
  2. Are they people or task orientated? – Do they talk about the details of project? -OR- The people required to implement the project?
  3. Do they concentrate on feeling or facts? –  Do they reference studies, facts and statistics? -OR- Do they use phrases like “I feel” and “What is best for the team?”
  4. Do they need time to think or do they make quick decisions?
  5. Do they talk more about pleasure or pain? Example: When someone talks about all the reasons to not do something you will never win them over by listing all the benefits as you see them, instead communicate the consequences of not doing what you are suggesting.
  6. What are some of the core themes to the stories and experiences they share out of the following:  Significance, Certainty, Variety, Love, Growth, Connection or Contribution

As you understand what motivates a person and how they make decisions; craft your message to suit their interests, timing and experiences.  Example: If they make quick decisions and are driven by facts; be prepared with your data and be quick to respond to all requests for more information.