Social Media Hoarders

This a Public Service Announcement:  Attention, you or someone you know may be suffering from social media hoarding.

Warning Signs Include:
1.    You follow and friend people only with the expectation that they will follow you back.
2.    You waste productive time counting followers and friends.
3.    #You #hashtag #everything  #!!!!!
4.    You have no idea who is in your social media networks.
5.    You talk all the time, but have no idea who is listening.
6.    The thought of trying to organize your efforts by connecting them to real goals is overwhelming.

Stop The Madness!!

1.    Create goals.
2.    Grow your network based on those goals.
3.    Identify a target demographic and understand how to engage them.
4.    Choice social media tools that help you organize and track your efforts based on YOUR goals.
5.    Don’t assume your social graphs are tracking information that determines how successful you will be using social media. Real life results such as sales and new business opportunities determine success; track those things.
6.    Create relationships with potential for partnerships based on shared interest, support, offerings and commitment.

Share your Frustrations and WIN!

What else frustrates you about social media? Click on the jar to share your frustrations for a chance to win a social media audit and personalized plan. If you prefer “show” rather than “tell,” share a photo illustrating your frustrations on our facebook page for a chance to win.

Stephanie Michele is a behavior skills analyst, social media strategist and social authenticity voice coach.  She audits social media behavior and works one-on-one with people to create plans aligned to personality traits and goals. For more information about her and coaching sessions, click here.