Through the Perspective of New Eyes

Last week I hosted a high school friend and her husband from Michigan on their first trip to California and Los Angeles. Growing up in the Midwest, I know experiencing LA for the first time is a complete culture shock.  It was good for me to see things new again through their eyes. Here is some of what I learned through them: read more »

Conversations from Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving. What were your favorite conversation topics over your big meal?

Here were the ones that made me think: read more »

What is Next for Oprah?

On Friday Oprah Winfrey announced she is calling it quits. Next season; season 25 will be the last season of the Oprah Show with the last show scheduled to air in June 2011.

In her announcement she talks about her relationship with her viewers and how some people have literally grown up with Oprah. What does that mean? What do you think people influenced by Oprah for 25 years are like? read more »

Customer Service: Forget the Top, Aim for the Middle.

If I was to recap three conversations from last week I would probably be inclined to share the less than pleasant ones I had with the post office, an eBay seller, and a retail store clerk. This blog post could turn into a “gripe-fest” if I did, so I have opted out of recapping those conversations. Instead, I tried to reflect positively on them. What can I learn? What could I have done better to resolve issues of unfavorable service? read more »

Halloween, Corporate Culture and Burning Man

My friend pointed out to me last week that he was “beginning to hear a theme” in our conversations. I am willing to bet if you asked five other people I speak with the most, they would tell you they hear my theme too. Everybody has a theme, it is the stage of theme that differs. A theme might be based on insecurities and fears, some you are willing to conquer and others that might be too hard to face. A theme can be based on passion and purpose; you might be in the process of gathering your thoughts or you might be laser-focused on certain actions and activities that are helping you visualize your life purpose. read more »