Social Media Hoarders

This a Public Service Announcement:  Attention, you or someone you know may be suffering from social media hoarding.

Warning Signs Include:
1.    You follow and friend people only with the expectation that they will follow you back.
2.    You waste productive time counting followers and friends.
3.    #You #hashtag #everything  #!!!!!
4.    You have no idea who is in your social media networks.
5.    You talk all the time, but have no idea who is listening.
6.    The thought of trying to organize your efforts by connecting them to real goals is overwhelming.

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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: You are My Biggest Influencer of Them All

Three years ago, I created my first twitter account @lovemorenow. I understood from the minute I was exposed to social media tools how to use them successfully and how they would revolutionize the way we communicate and do business. I was inspired to learn and share. Somewhere between month three and month six of using twitter, I found myself taken in by the social media current. I was getting obsessed with online interaction; watching, participating and predicting outcomes. I took a break from tweeting when I realized my obsession. My break lasted for a little over a week. When I came back one of the first @replys I received was from someone telling me my tweet statistics have slipped significantly. I replied, “That’s funny because my life stats have significantly improved.” read more »

What is EMBR?

Life is full of possibilities and opportunities. With social media, we now live in global communities. We are not limited by size of local community or lack of information.  The greatest challenge comes from determining who you are and what is important to you –finding the “thing” that inspires you to get up every day and do what you.  The good news is once you do that, it makes it so much easier to process new information. Part of this process is to understand your strengths and weaknesses. You also need to know; who will you need to connect to in order to fulfill your goals. What experts will you need to enlist? What kind of mentor would be inspiring to you? How will you articulate your dreams and connect that to what other people understand? read more »

She has EVOO, I have EMBR

I like and admire Rachael Ray for many reasons. She is transparently-quirky, charitable and driven by her passions. In 2001 she was relatively unknown yet in three short years she was well on her way; making her mark with TV and radio shows, books and merchandise lines. I also like that she is now 41, and did all of this in her 30’s, proving that it never too late to reach for your dreams even if we are living in a “younger is better” nation. read more »