Socially ILL

My Confession
In the fall of last year, I tried to combine advocating awareness to a social epidemic that I am passionate about with my actual consulting work. At the heart of both is a promotion of relationship building and social awareness. So in a tongue in cheek way meant to inspire conversation, I named the joint project/business SocialBling. Considering how our culture only seems to want to talk about material things (bling) I thought I would promote relationships as an over-indulgent luxury. Everyone told me it was ridiculous ambitious. They were right, but I don’t have a fear of being wrong so it did not matter. The only thing I truly fear is being alone and I did not feel like I was doing anything that was promoting that fear so I pressed on. After all, how could someone that promotes the value of relationships as an essential element of well-being and success; who loves meeting people, helping people meet others and who loves to entertain ever end up feeling isolated? Now reading through that list I know exactly how. It is a simple equation of inclusion vs. exclusion. read more »

Energy is Contagious: Why I Want to Live my Life in a Happy Flash Mob.

There are thousands of studies about the power of energy. Our thoughts and feeling shape our lives and create the overall energy we stay in, if you want to increase positive energy you have to consciously make the decision to think positive thoughts. You have to treat negative thoughts like weeds growing in a garden pull them out at the root and get rid of them!! Remove Judgment, Anger, Fear and Sadness. read more »