Without This, A Shared Economy is A Take Economy

Reposted from Huffington Post

What is really at the heart of a shared economy? I find myself reflecting on this quite a bit after my friend, an advocate of the shared economy movement stayed with me for four days. For me, the visit fell short of being a shared experience and exchange for one clear reason; as shared economy interest becomes shared economy lifestyle clear distinctions need to be communicated in order for both parties to have a favorable experience.   read more »

Connecting is Better than Networking.

There is difference between connecting and networking. If you don’t believe me reflect on how you feel when you experience each one. The networking experience might bring up thoughts of events where you sport the infamous “Hello my name is” sticker while trying to figure out what you need to say to whom, carefully avoiding people who seem determined to sell you something on approach. A connecting experience might bring up thoughts of moments when you knew someone understood you, where you felt comfortable to trust and forge a relationship with them. Another difference between the two might be speed: Networking seems to be approached with speed where connecting takes some time. read more »

Why SocialBling, Why Now?

There is a long list of really important words and phrases that seem to be frowned upon – Commitment, Relationship, “We Need to Talk” and “It Is Not Working” comes to mind. These words bring fear to most yet without them there is not much that would get accomplished. Could you actually achieve a goal without speaking a single word? Could a plan be carried out with commitment? Can you learn what works without exploring what does not? read more »

She has EVOO, I have EMBR

I like and admire Rachael Ray for many reasons. She is transparently-quirky, charitable and driven by her passions. In 2001 she was relatively unknown yet in three short years she was well on her way; making her mark with TV and radio shows, books and merchandise lines. I also like that she is now 41, and did all of this in her 30’s, proving that it never too late to reach for your dreams even if we are living in a “younger is better” nation. read more »