Walk A Mile in Her Shoes

Reprinted from Stilettogal

Today we are walking a mile in the sparkly stilettos of Stephanie Michele, founder of  SocialBling.  SocialBling inspires people to communicate with purpose, inspires leaders to implement process that helps people communicate consciously, promotes the value of relationships and brings people together to make better decisions to impact communities locally and globally. read more »

Your Safety Zone or Mine?

A Collaboration Story. (republished from the Huffington Post)

Some of the most inspiring stories in the world are the result of a diverse group of people, companies, governments and non-profits coming together to create solutions for the greater good of nature and people. When time permits, feedback is required, expertise is needed and impact is great…collaboration is the way to go. read more »

Those Who Social Together, Stay Together

Who pays the price for dissatisfaction in the workplace? A Gallup poll suggests 71% of the workforce is disengaged, costing US businesses $300 billion annually. Employers looking for answers in the hiring process are likely to find better solutions by reviewing their social media efforts. The use of social technologies is both the cause and the solution to the disengagement. read more »

EBOCLOUD: Dare to Imagine Life After Facebook

I purchased the book EBOCLOUD by Rick Moss immediately on recommendation from a friend. There was no way I could resist reading a book with the tagline, “Love Must Evolve” that dares to explore life after Facebook.  If there is such a thing as a fantasy book club, this would be the book I would want to read and discuss with a group of people. In my dream book club I would want a full spectrum of people represented.  Give me political and religious left, right and middle. In this motley crew let there be humor, creativity, compassion, empathy and intellect.  I am certain with this group, we would never run out of things to discuss and we would learn a great deal from each other as the themes of the book inspire us to think and grow. read more »

The Text Factor with Mars and Venus

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus and texting does not help matters at all. read more »

The Science of Happiness

In the middle of a busy travel schedule, positive psychology expert, Shawn Achor took time out of his day to talk with me about the science of happiness. Shawn started studying happiness as a undergrad at Harvard. He has spent the past several years researching and teaching at Harvard University on the subject of positive psychology. His lectures on happiness and human potential have received attention from The New York Times, Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, CNN, and NPR. With his company Aspirant, Shawn travels across the United States and Europe giving talks on the science behind individual happiness and organizational success. read more »

What is Next for Oprah?

On Friday Oprah Winfrey announced she is calling it quits. Next season; season 25 will be the last season of the Oprah Show with the last show scheduled to air in June 2011.

In her announcement she talks about her relationship with her viewers and how some people have literally grown up with Oprah. What does that mean? What do you think people influenced by Oprah for 25 years are like? read more »

Interview with April Beyer, Professional Matchmaker and Relationship Coach

Recently, I caught up with April Beyer for an inspiring talk about relationships. April is the real deal!! She is passionate about what she does and she is good at it!! She has been featured on ABC’s 20/20, CBC, NBC, MSNBC, iVillage live!, Playboy Radio, Star 98.7 and she is a regular guest expert on the Dr Phil Show.

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